February 10, 2021

Why am I in ALTSO's CoolKids Club?

I have been in a few clubs in my time. The U2 fan club. The Rolling Stones fan club. The Bruce Springsteen fan club. I am sure many of you have been in clubs for various reasons and probably still are today. I joined the A Leg To Stand On CoolKids Club (CKC) a couple of years ago. After being a member of various committees at ALTSO and now lucky enough to be a board member, see how important recurring donations are to helping our kids around the world.


Being a member of the CKC gives me great joy for many reasons. I am fortunate enough to have good health, a great job, a nice home, and the resources I need to live a fulfilling and mobile life. I am able to physically go wherever I want to go, with no obstacles or impairments.


My monthly donation to the CKC gives me comfort in knowing that I am having an impact directly on someone in another part of the world who isn’t as fortunate as I am, and because the CKC is automatically recurring, it does all of the work of processing the donation for me! I know how hard ALTSO works to give mobility to as many children as they can, and how passionately they believe that mobility is a gift that gives back in so many ways.


A child with mobility can go to school, help the family with daily chores and no longer be a burden to a family that is already struggling just to make ends meet. Donating monthly to the CKC transforms lives and gives these children in need the chance to not only go to school, but finish grade school and move onto high school and even college. In the towns and villages our CoolKids live, without the help of ALTSO, many would never be able to get the education they need, and the ability to go anywhere and do anything as a normal member of the community. We are proud to see many of the CoolKids we began to work with 15 years ago now going to college themselves, and getting degrees that will allow them to give back to the communities they came from.


Each month when I get my email notice that my donation to the CKC has been processed, I smile and my heart warms. I know that in a small way I am changing a life somewhere. And giving another child A Leg To Stand On.

"We are so thankful for Ray, and all of our CKC members, who are changing the lives of our CoolKids every month. Signing up for the club is easy (click here!) -  select your amount, the recurring frequency, and payment method and the donation will continue to automatically process for you based on your selection. Of course, you can always log in to change your settings, pause your donation, or look up tax information." -- The ALTSO Team


Join the CoolKids Club

Members of the CoolKids Club are committed, passionate individuals who invest in the next generation by improving the lives of our CoolKids. Commit to a monthly donation of any amount to join the CoolKids Club and help us provide continuous care to CoolKids. Just $25 a month keeps 6 CoolKids moving a year.

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